Zschimmer & Schwarz acquires Lamberti/Unichem leather wet-end business

The acquisition is part of the growth strategy of Zschimmer & Schwarz. It extends the company’s product portfolio and strengthens its position and service expertise.

Lahnstein, Germany , January 2015 - In line with its growth strategy Zschimmer & S chwarz acquires the leather auxiliaries business (wet -end) of Lamberti/Unichem in Italy. The leather finishing business of Lamberti/Unichem is not part of the acquis ition. The business fits well with and will be integrated into the existing Leather Auxiliaries Division of the company . The acquisition further strengthens the position of Zschimmer & Schwarz in the global market for leather and fur auxiliaries. Completion shall take place as per February 1 st , 2015.

Lamberti/Unichem will continue with the development of their leather finishing business aiming to grow their market share focussed on some core technolog ies of the Group, in particular water -based synthetic polymer chemistry (Polyurethane dispersions and acrylic based polymers) supported by advanced technical service.

The transaction comprehends the transfer of Lamberti/Unichem’s complete line of leather auxiliaries (wet -end) and all customer relationships. The product line will be integrated into the range of Zschimmer & S chwarz in Lahnstein, Germany, and into Zeta Esse Ti in Tricerro, Italy, but the manufacturing will remain for a transition period at Lamberti/Unichem’s production plant in Italy and be transf erred only gradually.

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