Abrasive emery for sharpening tools close up on gray background.
Horizontal shot of abrasive emery for sharpening tools close up on gray background.

Abrasive Tools

The target adjustment of porosity, as well as high strengths and good pressing properties in the green state are the fundamental requirements of additives, which are applied for the production of abrasive tools.

Raw material preparation


Dispersants permit to reduce the water content in ceramic dispersions.


Porosity-inducing agents serve for the specific adjustment of pore size, pore volume and pore distribution. These parameters are of crucial importance to assist the removal of the grinding debris and the transport of the cooling medium when using abrasive tools. Porosity-inducing agents are available in six defined particle sizes from 0 to 1.5 mm.


Pressing agents and lubricants promote a homogeneous compaction during pressing and, hence, bring about a reduction of the internal stresses that could lead to defects – especially cracks in the abrasive tool – during the technological steps that follow. Friction inside the pressed article, as well as between the article and the mould wall, is reduced.


After the shaping process, it is necessary for the abrasive tool to have sufficient strength to withstand further handling during subsequent processing. Depending on the particle size distribution, ceramic bonding and porosity-inducing agent, the green strength and dry modulus of rupture are often not sufficient.

If the ceramic bond proportion is small, and the pressing moisture is below 0.5%, wax emulsions can be used as temporary binders, which increase the green strength and also lead to an improvement in compaction behaviour during pressing.

Blade grinder abrasive flap grinding disc.
Brown color Blade grinder metal saw disk.

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