Expansion of the robotics interest group

The Gymnasium Penig, a private secondary school, wants to expand its existing robotics interest group.

The school currently uses LEGO robots, which are however unable to meet the students’ need to gain insights into the world of automation. The school is planning to purchase robots from the Arduino range to meet the increasing demands, especially of its older students. The students have to configure and program the robots themselves. This requires so-called starter kits as well as supplementary components for construction of robots.

The aim of the project is to provide students with insights into processes similar to those in a laboratory that can be mastered on a very simple level. This aims at kindling and promoting the students’ interest in specialised and technical issues. The project will run over a period of three to four years.

Donation amount: € 2,000
Submitted by: Jana Schinke, Andreas Grüneberg
Company: Zschimmer & Schwarz Mohsdorf GmbH & Co. KG | Germany

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