Thanks to the donation from Zschimmer & Schwarz, microscopes and many other laboratory equipment could be purchased for the student laboratory in Valenza

Zschimmer & Schwarz supports student laboratory

Thanks to the donation campaign on occasion of the 125th company anniversary, numerous laboratory materials could be acquired

On the occasion of the 125th company anniversary last year, the Zschimmer & Schwarz Group is supporting charitable projects in the vicinity of the company's locations worldwide as part of a donation campaign. On the initiative of Dr Giorgio Mosso, employee in Tricerro, Italy, Zschimmer & Schwarz supports the project ZS: zeptosecondo at the Laboratorio di Scienze e Chimica I.C. in Valenza, Italy. Here, students are introduced to science – not by rigidly memorising theory, but quite vividly by means of varied and true-to-life experiments. The donation of 15,000 euros was used to purchase a wide variety of laboratory equipment for the laboratory, for example microscopes, measuring beakers and glass flasks, pipettes, heating plates and magnets, as well as chemicals for conducting experiments, among many other things.

"Students conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and find out how to calculate and measure phenomena and empirical evidence using theoretical models. Thus, they learn in a very practical way how to organise their thought processes and check to what extent their assumptions were correct," says Dr Giorgio Mosso, initiator of the donation project. "Here, the students are not only learning for school, but also for life: by seeing through the complexity of natural phenomena in experiments, the young people improve their ability to solve problems. Thereby, they also learn how to face problems in other situations and contexts and how to cope with them."

Zschimmer & Schwarz has been upholding a philosophy based on mutual respect and care since its foundation in 1894. On the occasion of the company’s 125-year anniversary, the shareholders of the Zschimmer & Schwarz Group started a new charitable programme: the 1,400 employees across 16 countries on five continents were asked to present local initiatives that the company could support with a donation.

“For more than 125 years, our company has represented a philosophy that always puts people first”, explains Monika Börner, shareholder of the Zschimmer & Schwarz Group. “Therefore, we try to give something valuable back to society and involve ourselves in projects that deliver direct and sustainable effects at our business locations.”

The project ZS: zeptosecondo at the Laboratorio di Scienze e Chimica I.C. in Valenza, Italy, is currently one of 14 charitable projects across Europe supported by Zschimmer & Schwarz with a total sum of around 200,000 Euro.

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