Zschimmer & Schwarz empowers Karate Kids
The company’s 125th anniversary brings around EUR 200,000 in funding support for 14 projects across Europe
The globally active chemical company Zschimmer & Schwarz with headquarters in Lahnstein, Germany, is harnessing its international network to support charitable projects run by its employees in the direct vicinity of the company’s locations. One of these projects was initiated by Audrey Kastner in the French town of Wissembourg, where Zschimmer & Schwarz is supporting the SKTAN School of Karate: the donation allows for the purchase of urgently needed Tatamis – special mats used in martial arts – for the karatekas ranging from 4 to 64 years of age. The mats provide the aspiring karate masters with a better and safer training environment.
Siegfried Gillich and Dr Uwe Storzer, Managing Director and Technical Director of Zschimmer & Schwarz subsidiary Interpolymer in France, were joined by representatives from the City of Wissembourg to present a donation cheque for 5,000 Euro to Club President Pascal Müller. “As a global company, we aspire to take responsibility on a local level. We are delighted to see our donation making a difference right here in this town”, explains Siegfried Gillich.
Zschimmer & Schwarz has been upholding a philosophy based on mutual respect and care since its foundation in the year 1894. On the occasion of the company’s 125-year anniversary the shareholders of the Zschimmer & Schwarz Group started a new charitable programme: the 1,400 employees across 16 countries on five continents were asked to present local initiatives that the company could support with a donation.
“For more than 125 years, our company has consistently laid the focus of our activities on our fellow human beings”, explains Monika Börner, shareholder of the Zschimmer & Schwarz Group. “With this philosophy, we want to give something valuable back to society, and to involve ourselves in projects that deliver direct and sustainable effects at our business locations.”
The karate club in Wissembourg is currently one of 14 charitable projects across Europe supported by Zschimmer & Schwarz with a total sum of around 200,000 Euro.
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Global Head of Corporate Communications
Zschimmer & Schwarz
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56112 Lahnstein | DE
T +49 2621 12-201