Zschimmer & Schwarz Announces Acquisition of Interpolymer Corporation

The acquisition of Interpolymer Corporation adds polymer-based solutions to the Zschimmer & Schwarz business portfolio. By this acquisition, the specialty chemicals manufacturer gains access to a growing market.

Lahnstein, October 2015 - In line with a clearly defined growth strategy, Zschimmer & Schwarz has acquired Interpolymer Corporation, USA. The acquisition expands the existing business portfolio of the specialty chemicals manufacturer with polymer-based solutions and adds a new division to the existing six business areas. The transaction took place as per 22 October 2015.

Presence in the market to remain unchanged

Interpolymer Corporation, with production sites in the US, France and China and a subsidiary in Germany, has become a worldwide specialist and technology leader for tailor-made, specialty polymers since it was founded in 1963. Company founder, Norwin Wolff, sees the acquisition as a sign of continuity: ”With the family owned Zschimmer & Schwarz group, we found a new partner who will maintain the focus of our business on supplying high quality polymers along with extensive technical support and close customer contact“. ”W e are pleased that the Wolff family has chosen Zschimmer & Schwarz, and that Norwin Wolff will continue to support us with his vast knowledge and experience“ says Martin Haberl, president of Interpolymer and one of the general managers of Zschimmer & Schwarz Chemie. ”Interpolymer matches very well with Zschimmer & Schwarz in many aspects. We are therefore very optimistic for our combined future“. The legal entity Interpolymer, “Creative Polymer Solutions”, will remain unchanged. This also applies for all operation facilities including representatives and contact persons. Norwin W olff will remain with the company and act as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) on a consulting basis for Interpolymer.

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