"SOS Homeworks"
This project is aimed at pupils aged between 6 and 15 with an immigration background whose families are unable to support them in their school education due to a language barrier and their socio-cultural background.
At the Buzzi social centre in Trino (province of Vercelli, Italy), the participating children and adolescents are supervised three times a week for two hours by tutors, most of whom are university students who also have an immigration background. They support the children and adolescents in completing their homework and are also available to help them with other school-related matters.
Extracurricular activities and programmes are offered as well, such as participation in basketball or volleyball training.
The donation is used to cover the payment of five tutors.
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Global Head of Corporate Communications
Zschimmer & Schwarz
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56112 Lahnstein | DE
T +49 2621 12-201