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Technical Information SYNTRAN® WA 1065 is based on a patented acrylic olefin graft technology. This unique incorporation of olefin into the backbone of the acrylic avoids natural migration of the generally lower-density wax to the surface during drying, resulting in better compatibility of the wax with acrylic systems and a more uniform film application.
Product Description Wax-hybrid acrylic
Region Asia
Europe incl. Turkey
Market & Application Wood coatings
Additives for wood coatings

Architectural coatings

OPV / Primer / Inks
Additives for OPV / Primer / Inks


Features and benefits Non-yellowing, low-slip additive
High compatibility and stability in multiple formulation types
Anti-block, improved wear and water resistance
Zero VOC requirements to formulate coating
Chemistry Nonionic/anionic
Solid approx. 38%
ph value: 9.1
MFFT: 35 °C

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Produkt SYNTRAN® WA 1065

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