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Technical Information SYNTRAN® AC 7080 is a surfactant-free, aqueous solution of a polyacrylic acid homopolymer with high molecular weight. It forms a film that can be used as a smooth protective coating on various surfaces such as synthetic fibres and metals. SYNTRAN® AC 7080 has an outstanding binding effect on metal combined with very good chemical resistance including diesel and E10 fuel and can also be used to formulate a rust converter.
Product Description Acrylic polymer solution
Region Asia
Europe incl. Turkey
Market & Application Metal coatings
Thin organic coating (aluminium)
Direct to metal (DTM)

Features and benefits Formation of a clear, hard and tack-free film
Readily soluble in water
Protection of metal during its processing (rolling, drawing and cutting, etc.)
Chemistry Anionic
Solid approx. 40%
ph value: acid 2.2

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Produkt SYNTRAN® AC 7080

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