Offshore oil rig in east China sea
Offshore oil rig


Offshore oil rig in east China sea
Offshore oil rig


Crude oil and natural gas remain the world's most important energy resources.
They are extracted in oilfields, where oil exploration and extraction operations are carried out.

These operations can be complex and costly, often requiring the use of advanced technology and chemicals to overcome the challenges faced, for example the formation of deposits on production facilities, the reduction of permeability of oil formations, the separation of oil-water mixtures, foaming or corrosion of facilities. At the same time, environmental protection and compliance with the relevant environmental standards are of utmost importance.

Our chemicals for the oil industry

The oil industry uses a wide variety of chemicals in various processes such as oil exploration, extraction and refining.  At Zschimmer & Schwarz, we focus on oilfield chemistry, where we offer a wide range of sustainable additives to make crude oil production as effective and efficient as possible.

Our oilfield chemicals include surfactants, phosphonates and esters that act as antifoulants, corrosion inhibitors, defoamers, demulsifiers and more. With our oilfield chemical additives, we contribute to improving the quality of end products, such as fuels and lubricants, while increasing the efficiency of the oil industry.



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